How to Play Crud: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

How to Play Crud: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

Crud is an exhilarating and fast-paced game that combines the skill of billiards with the strategy of a survival game. Played on a pool table, it requires only a cue ball, the eight ball, and a group of friends ready for some competitive fun. This guide will walk you through everything you need to start playing Crud, including setup, rules, and strategies for winning.

What You Need to Play

  • A Pool Table: The arena where the magic happens.
  • The White Cue Ball: Your tool for hitting the eight ball.
  • The Eight Ball: The target of all your shots.
  • Friends: A game best enjoyed with companions.

Game Setup

Before the action begins, establish the player order. This can be done using a whiteboard or chalkboard to keep track.

The Objective

Each player starts with three lives. The goal is simple: be the last player standing. Losing all three lives means elimination from the game.

Starting the Game

The game kicks off with a serve:

  1. Placement: Place the eight ball on the foot spot of the table.
  2. Serving: From the other end of the table, the server has three attempts to hit the eight ball.
  3. Consequence of Failure: Failing to hit it after three tries results in a loss of life.
  4. Restarting After a Lost Life: When a life is lost, the game restarts with a serve from the person who just lost a life. If that person has been eliminated, the next player in the predetermined order serves.


1. Keep the Motion

After serving, the next player must hit the moving eight ball before it stops. Once the eight ball is hit, their turn ends. The game is all about maintaining momentum.

2. The White Ball Is Always in Play
  • Unlimited Attempts: You have unlimited attempts to hit the eight ball with the cue ball.
  • Retrieving the Cue Ball: If the cue ball is pocketed or goes off the table, quickly retrieve it and continue your turn.
  • Continuous Action: The action never stops in Crud.

How Lives Are Lost

  • Dead Ball: Failing to hit the eight ball before it stops.
  • Short Shot: If the eight ball moves less than six inches after being hit.
  • Back Shot: Shooting the cue ball towards yourself.
  • Side Shot: Shots must be taken from the short ends of the table only.
  • Sink Shot: If the eight ball is pocketed, the last player (other than the shooter) to touch the cue ball loses a life.
  • Fouls: Touching the eight ball or knocking it off the table during your turn results in a loss of life.


  • Lives: Start with three lives.
  • Serving: The game begins with a serve, and you have three attempts to hit the eight ball.
  • Losing a Life: A life is lost, and the game restarts with a serve whenever a rule is broken or a foul occurs.
  • Your Turn: Involves hitting the moving eight ball before it stops.
  • Victory: The last player standing is the winner.


Playing Crud is not only about quick reflexes and precise shots but also about strategy and anticipation. To truly appreciate the game, understanding its origins adds another layer of enjoyment. If you're interested in learning more about the fascinating history of Crud, be sure to check out the origins of crud

Remember, the essence of Crud lies in its fast pace and the thrilling challenge of outlasting your friends. So gather around the pool table, set your sights on the eight ball, and let the games begin!


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