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Pooltableportfolio designs a custom billiard table for a $100,000 a night, 2 night minimum room in Nevada. The most expensive suite in the world.
The suite was designed by artist Damien Hirst in conjunction with the architecture firm Bentel & Bentel, the two-story space features six of Hirst’s original artworks, along with 9,000 square feet of Hirst-designed decoration.
The Burj pool table was specified for the luxury game room. The rails were done in a white piano gloss finish with stainless steel band accents. The Lucite acrylic legs have a platform effect, that give the table a floating effect.
The fabric was custom printed with the Damien Hirst Spin Artwork at the UK Textiles plant. A unique white gloss minimal floor cue rack was custom made for the project. In addition a lucite double stacked triangle was made so the balls could be seen as well as the artist print.
The suite had an gala opening party that hosted the acclaimed chef, Gordon Ramsey and the Artist Damien Hirst himself.
It was a unique and fun experience to work with the architectural design group Bentel & Bentel and Hirst on this one of kind luxury pool table.